Stephen took a break from his schoolwork and some video work he needed to do to build this awesome sandbox. We first saw the idea on Pinterest, but it is a Home Depot plan. Since we have 4 kids, Stephen altered the plans to make it bigger. The base is roughly 7 1/2' x 8'. He made it to fit this corner of the yard by the house.
The materials cost $125, we used 20 bags of sand, at $3.50 each, in addition to the 4 or 5 from the old sandbox. The kids L-O-V-E it. Just by chance, the left 3/4 is in the shade in the morning and the right 3/4 are shaded in the evening. We had 3 friends over to play Friday night and it was just the right size.
And did I mention the seats fold and transform into a cover? AKA stage.
Weekend fun
4 months ago
That looks great!!!
I love this! Way to go, Stephen!!!
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