
Monday, December 15, 2008

The Twilight Zone

Things have been pretty strange here lately. For example, yesterday morning when I blew my nose, there was black in the tissue. When the kids woke up, I noticed they all had a little soot inside their noses. Stephen too. Even the WHITE dog had a tinge of black on her fur and she spends most of the time under the bed. Then I noticed this soot covered the baby gate downstairs as well as upstairs. And Abby's toys downstairs. The only explanation I have is that we lit a different candle in our room and let it burn all day. Isn't that gross? Will I ever wipe away all the soot?

So you know that we had record snow here in Aggieland last Wednesday. Then we were again wearing our shorts Saturday and Sunday. Last night I was even tempted to run the air conditioner again. This morning I woke, dressed for warm weather, ran out to the van for my make-up, and quickly ran back inside to change clothes. The temperature was 34 degrees and the wind chill was less than 30! That's pure craziness right there.

And not so much Twilight Zone strange but Aggieland strange...the college students are gone and I made it to work in less than 10 minutes! Wow. I really liked that since I slept late and it should have taken me closer to 20 minutes to get here.


  1. How strange about the soot!! I've never had that happen with candles or the fireplace. The main thing the fireplace does is dries out all of our sinuses and skin. I try to run a humidifier if we use the fireplace too much!!!

  2. That is so strange...Soot or pollution blew in from somewhere... Wonderful weather your having... It's freezing up here! Merry Christmas!

  3. That is very strange about the soot.

    We've been at 80 degrees here for about 2 weeks now. I kept waiting for some cold to blow this way after seeing all the snow in Texas, but it never happened. Still wearing flip flops!
