
Monday, December 15, 2008

Sincere gratitude

When Stephen and I moved to College Station, we knew we were leaving a huge support system behind. We were both born and raised in Fort Worth and had years of involvement in our jobs and churches. I do miss all the get-togethers our friends have back at home but Stephen and I have agreed that College Station is the place for our family and just in the passed 2 years, we have even started to make new friends. Friends from church, dance class, and work. Friends with the same beliefs and values that we have. Friends whose children we want our children to grow up with. We don't get together as often as I'd like but that's what happens when you have small children with crazy schedules.

I had no idea that we had such a wonderful support system here until I needed help last week. I just can't tell you all how grateful Stephen and I are for the friends who put their own routines and schedules aside to volunteer to watch our children. All 3 of them! It's not easy for us and we know it wouldn't have been easy for our friends with small ones of their own. We were blessed with prayers, phone calls, and email sent from friends we've known for awhile and blogger friends we've never met before. I can't explain the peace it gave me to know that we were not alone and that we DO have a support system here after all.

Thank you does not seem to encompass what my heart is feeling but THANK YOU friends! Your love was felt and we have been comforted.

Peace and blessings to you and your family this joyous Christmas Season!

With love,
Stephen and Stephanie

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