
Saturday, December 6, 2008

5 Wonderful Years

July 4, 2003 5 years and many pounds ago!
2005 Pregnant with Caleb 2006
2007 Pregnant with Abby. Anyone starting to see a trend?

That's right, it's my fifth anniversary. For those of you who don't know, I met my husband in a car accident on March 26, 2003. If you really need help getting to sleep, you can read the story here. We were engaged on June 1. We were married on December 6. We had our first baby on August 24, 2004. Hey, that's really rude of you to "do the math." Lauren was 5 1/2 weeks early by the way. Her due date was September 29 for those of you who must know.

We were so blessed in the past to have my mom in town so we could go out for an anniversary dinner but Mom passed away in April. It just so happens that our trip to see The Polar Express happened to fall on our anniversary weekend and we will be with the people who best know our children. So they have graciously offered to watch the kids so Stephen and I can celebrate alone.

We've been through so much in 5 short years. It's amazing that we already have 3 children. Who knows, maybe we'll have another one next year ;) Stephen has changed his jobs/work schedules so we could be at home with our kids at all times. He started out with a normal 8-5 job, went to working nights and weekends, then went to working 3 am-7 am and is now working 4 pm-9pm. That has to be hard on a body.

Even though we don't get to see each other much right now, we are a team. It takes a team to raise 3 small children WELL. I am blessed that Stephen is a great dad who not only takes care of our 3 little ones, but he also runs a business from home and takes classes online. Not many men could do that. Not many men WOULD do that. I feel we are so blessed to be watching every minute of our childrens' lives and molding them along the way. He is a great husband too. We have always liked to do everything together. Yup, even shopping. He helps with housework and brings me my super cold water each night before bed. I am blessed to be married to my husband and I look forward to all the changes we will face in the future. Happy Anniversary, Honey. I love you!


  1. Happy anniversary!! You are a beautiful couple with a beautiful family!

  2. You guys are so sweet! I had to laugh at the "do the math: comment- you are too cute! The pictures look beautiful! Happy 5th!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many many more wonderful years together! (Without car accidents)
