and my husband knows all about it. I wish I was introduced to Moby 4 years ago.
When I was taking Abby to the doctor last week, a girl on the elevator introduced me to Moby. What is Moby? A Moby wrap. She had her baby all wrapped up and snuggled against her chest and she was basically hands-free while I was struggling to carry little ol' Abby in her carrier. The girl told me to buy 6 yards of fabric and go to for instructions on how to use it. Last Saturday we all went to the grocery store. You can't fit 3 kids and groceries into a grocery cart so I was carrying Abby as Stephen pushed the kids in the cart and there she was again, the girl from the elevator. She must not have recognized me because she again told me to go to and I confirmed that she was the girl from the elevator. The next day we went to the website and found that the starting price to buy one is $40.00. I printed the instructions and we headed to Wal-Mart where the stretchy cotton fabric was on the remnant table for $1/yard! I finally washed it and followed the instructions and realized the width of this 6 yard fabric is WAY too wide. The dimensions are not on the website so I sent out an S.O.S. email to the moms' group at church and I could not believe the response. Apparently another blogging friend just found out about them too because all the moms in her playgroup have one. Here I am cutting down the material with my little helpers. The actual dimensions are 5 yards by 24 inches. You can get 2 Mobys out of one purchase. I think I'll give the other one as a gift.
Voila! I don't want to take it off. Abby is sleeping on my chest and I have 2 hands to type.
There is one thing I don't like about it frees up my hands for housework too!
hmm...wished mom had this when i was littlered...then i could be all snuggly!
looks great and easyish to make.
How neat! I wish I had known about this when my kids were babies. It looks really comfortable!
I LOVE the navy color! And you have Abby wrapped like a pro all nice and neat! Josie told me that taller people need more fabric, but petites like us do fine with 5 yards...we'd be swimming in any more! I experimented with some fabric last weekend and I looked so bulky frumpy - maybe I can blame it on the bulging belly in the way? ;)
Hi Stephanie! I don't think I've ever commented here before, but I just have to say that I LOVE your Moby! I've been pricing them online and have even watched a few on Ebay, but wow. What a great idea! I am so NOT handy that it never even occured to me that I might be able to make my own. But I think even I could handle this! Your baby is darling...your whole family, in fact, is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea!
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