Life is not a race. I've heard that before, but lately I've been saying it a lot. We are not to compare ourselves to others, including our friends. Comparing usually leads to envy. Envy is a sin. We all do it in some form or another.
I LOVE to cook and best friend of 36 years can't stand to do either. She has never cooked a meal and has been married for almost 21 years.
I love scrapbooking, some of my friends hardly ever take pictures.
Some people LOVE cleaning their house. Me? Not so much.
Some people are pros at gardening. I would like to be one day, but today is not my day.
Several of my friends are avid readers. I like to read, but only occasionally.
Some of my friends are into fitness, I say maybe I'll be into fitness when the kids leave home.
Some of us love having a variety of things to do when the kids are home, others say let them create their own ideas.
Some of my friends have the gift of decorating their homes. I didn't get that gift.
Some homeschool, some prefer private school, and others choose public.
Some love being out at the lake or beach for days on end while others can't stand the heat.
Some of us love entertaining and having friends over. I have an aunt who never wants others in her house.
I could go on and on. But I won't. I just think of how we all compliment each other and keep life interesting.
Wouldn't it be boring if we only had one type of flower in our yards? Friends are the flowers in life. I like having a variety in mine.
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