
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Saints Day

When I was a child, we didn't do much to celebrate All Saints Day. I went to Catholic school for 3 years and I don't remember doing anything special at all. Now-a-days most churches have a celebration after Mass where the kids are encouraged to dress up as a saint, angel, or other religious life. Last year was our first year to participate. The kids had a blast and we all learned more about the holy people who have gone before us.
2012-St. Kateri, Mary, St. Francis, and St. Joseph


In addition to finding great costume ideas on the internet, I have been finding lots of games and activities. While it would be fun and educational to do them all, it wouldn't be feasable. My goal is to try one or two new things each year and soon they will become family traditions. Simple decorations might include gathering any books about saints, saint statues or prayer cards and arranging them on your table. If you have any special candles, don't forget to include those as well. It doesn't take much to make a lasting impression with the kids.

Here are some ideas:
*Color saint pictures and turn them into stick puppets.
*Put the stick puppets in the ground and play ring toss.
*Color saint pictures and make a penant banner.
*Make saint paper sack puppets from Catholic Icing. This link will also take you to great food ideas and more.
*Print and cut out little pictures of saints and place them in the Guess Who game found on Equipping Catholic Families blog.
*Play Saints scavenger hunt found on Shower of Roses' blog.
*Search for the Saints scavenger hunt also found Waltzing Matilda.
*All Saints Bingo also from Shower of Roses.
*Make cut-out cookies with gingerbread man cookie cutters (male and female) and decorate like saint. You could also use cookie cutter symbols that represent saints such as a chalice, shield, or a bird for St. Francis of Assisi.

We also plan on reading some children's books about saints and playing a Litany of Saints from You Tube. Here is a beautiful idea for preparing your own family litany from a friend of mine.

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