Spencer has been showing signs of potty training for a few months now. He began by sitting on his potty chair any time he saw any of us using the bathroom. Then he progressed to wanting to sit on our toilet, but with his clothes on. The last few weeks he has insisted on sitting on the potty after almost all his diaper changes. Once he even carried my heavy stool over to the toilet for me.
Being that this is #4, I decided I was not going to push this issue. Especially during summer vacation when it seems like someone always needs something.
Tonight I let Spencer stay up late because we were all having such a good time outside. Stephen was working on the new sandbox and he usually handles Spencer's bedtime routine.Basically, I was procrastinating. So when I finally put Spencer on my bed to change him, I did not want to hear him say, "Tee-Tee Potty!" I hesitated because he never sits there very long and then he wants toilet paper and he has to flush, too. I agreed. I can't explain what was different this time, but Mommy intuition told me this time was for real. I looked in and he was going. I can't tell you how eager I am to get this done. August 24 will mark 8 years of diaper changing.
Weekend fun
5 months ago