One of my favorite bloggers says she will never post about anything bad that happens in her home. Well, I'm not that way. I know we shouldn't dwell on the bad things in our lives, but we shouldn't portray our lives as perfect, June Cleaver, types of homes. I find my greatest conversations with friends are about the struggles in our lives and how we can not only share our personal experiences, but also lift each other up.
With all that off my chest I have to announce that I lost the baby I announced I was pregnant with just a few weeks ago. I went in for my BIG sonogram only to see for myself that there was no heartbeat and the baby was not moving. I was strong for my husband and kids. This wasn't the first miscarriage, I just thought we had passed the latest point that I had miscarried before and I have really taken better care of myself this time. I am not working so I rested as much as possible. I had just announced the good news to my closest friends 8 days before and it was a bit exciting to tell everyone I was 19 weeks!
The hardest part of it all was finding out that I was so far along, I'd have to be induced and deliver the baby. So, on May 23, Lindsey Michelle was delivered at a mere 3 oz. It was an experience I tried to prepare for by talking to others who told me they had been through it themselves. I knew exactly what to expect....except that it would be the longest labor of all my deliveries.
Here we are 4 weeks later and I have to say I am healing. It was with the help of my dear friends who didn't know what to do except cook. And I must say my friends know how to cook! It wasn't the food that helped with the healing, although it was nice not having to worry about meal planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning up), what I will always remember most is the hugs, prayers, phone calls, and well wishes of people I never even knew cared.
So if you know of someone going through a loss, what they probably need most is a hug and a listening ear. And for now, I am putting the 'downs' behind me and focusing on the 'ups' that I have been blessed with, especially my beautiful family and my loving friends.
Weekend fun
5 months ago