
Friday, March 25, 2011

Prayer Wall

I started a prayer wall yesterday. I've been thinking about it for some time, but yesterday I found some fabulous printable Stations of the Cross with amazing art, and I wanted to make sure I was introducing them to my family as I should. Lauren, Caleb, and Abby were infatuated with the pictures. It took me awhile to get them to sit down so I could begin prayers.

My plans are to keep pictures on the prayer wall for those we are praying for. We always pray for "our Godparents, our grandparents, our aunts, uncles, and babies in their mommy's tummy, our soldiers who are protecting us, and the leaders of our church and our country." I just think it will be nice to see their faces while we are praying for them.

As soon as I get more pictures on the wall, I will post a picture.

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