Lauren and Caleb are at VBS and Abby is taking a nap. This has been a good time for me to catch up on some housework but because of the cool weather, I spent 45 minutes pulling weeds so I owe it to myself to relax for a minute, don'tcha think?
It is so hard to believe it is July 17 and I have to report back to work in less than a month. In case you haven't heard, God has blessed us with big changes for this upcoming school year and even though there will be major time constraints, I am looking forward to it. I get to go half time this year! That is because Stephen's boss wanted him full time and since he didn't have the budget to give him a salary where I could stay home full time, he was very flexible about Stephen's hours. So I will work 7:30-11:30 and Stephen will work 12-9. Not too great for family time but I am hopeful that this is temporary. Stephen is advancing quickly at the Health Science Center while working on his degree.
I get to teach at the new school (where they only need a half-time ESL Specialist) and Lauren starts KG this year at the same school so it is obvious that God had His plan. Lauren is so ready for KG. She has been reading 3 letter words since about April and she does simple addition and subtraction all the time. She loves doing anything with crayons, markers, scissors, and glue so I am not at all worried about her being a big girl. Check back on the 1st day and we'll see how I am doing then.
Caleb turned 3 in March and I'm so proud of him. He had us worried last year but he has become a sweet, loving little boy. He has learned his alphabet (upper and lowercase) by watching his sister and playing her games. He even knows the sounds of most of them. He loves to count to the 20s and sometimes counts backwards. Caleb loves to sing and if you say a certain word, he starts singing a song with that word. For example, if I say 'chest', he sings, "John Brown's baby had a cold upon his chest." He has enjoyed going to VBS even though he has had a problem staying with the group in large room settings.
Abby is just amazing. She is almost 19 months and a little chatterbox. She has so many words in her vocabulary that I can't even count. She knows to go get the stool when it is time to brush her teeth. She loves to climb up Lauren's loft bed and knows she isn't supposed to so she gets in the furthest corner so I can't reach her. She loves babies and her baby dolls. She will be a great big sister. She sings and can keep a tune very well. Her latest thing is saying the words to a show she has been watching in the van. Amazing!
And in case you haven't heard, I am pregnant with #4 and due in January. See, it is going to be an exciting end to 2009.
Weekend fun
5 months ago