Wanna go crazy with me? Cuz that's where I'm headed these next few weeks. I am sure you are experiencing some craziness in your household too, but here is how my week is going:
All week I have front porch duty from 7:40-8:00, definitely a thankless job!
Monday: I gathered, stuffed, and signed 196 student folders...all day! I had to make a doctor's appointment with a new doctor and fax paperwork back....oops, I haven't done that yet. I rushed home so my husband could go to work early and did my wifely and motherly duties at home.
Tuesday: The incident I posted about yesterday. Met my family at Central Office to have my son's speech evaluated...again. He did great! He has 90% accuracy which seems pretty high to me. Had lunch with the family. On the way back to work, my husband called me to tell me to stop so he could come get the parking pass out of my van since we were trading vehicles that night... I had a sitter going to the house after work so I could help give a baby shower at work. If Stephen was going to have the new van...he'd have the car seats too and I needed to take Lauren to dance. The OLD van, which is the one I'd have, had Stephen's heavy video equipment in the back. We finally decided to leave his equipment in my classroom since he is filming at school Friday anyway. Problem solved. Went to the shower...home...dance class...passed out. Until Caleb woke us up at around 1:00 with a dirty pull-up. Then when we drifted off to sleep, Caleb woke us up again with a bloody foot from the scab he peeled off.
Today: I had to give a long test to 3 students. One was absent...dentist appointment. Now I have to schedule a make-up. Grr. Rush to register kids for VBS. Lauren's class full. Late for a 10:15 meeting because I was on the phone with church. Ran to the meeting, no one there. Meeting postponed til 1:30. Meanwhile....email the sitter for Friday with directions to the house...mail birthday cards...try to figure out who'll watch the dog when we're out of town...coupon blog....make a much needed hair appointment...find someone to take my front porch duty on Friday because I can't leave the house until the sitter gets there on Friday at 7:30!
Tomorrow: What I know so far is tomorrow looks good. Maybe I can get some cleaning and packing done since I am going to be at a different school next year.
Friday: Prepare for sitter. Rush to school for a meeting at 8:00. Be home by 10:30 to relieve sitter while Stephen films the talent show at my school. Feed the kids and take them back to school with me so they can watch the talent show.
Saturday: hair appointment, yea!
I keep reminding myself, one day at a time!
Weekend fun
5 months ago