
Friday, March 7, 2008

Snow in Aggieland?

At 5:30 am as I was putting Abby back to bed from her 4:30 feeding, the news came on and they said it was snowing. No way, not in Aggieland. They even had a weatherman on the scene in Hearne which is about 25 minutes north of here and he was getting covered with the beautiful white powder. I ran to the back door with the door open in nothing but a night shirt and stood there in awe of the TINY flakes . Then I went back to sleep because I knew I could get in at least an hour before I had to get ready for work. At 7:10, my DH came home from work (he works at the news station) and told me it was still snowing and the flakes were bigger. I knew the kids might not get to see snow again for a long time so I woke Lauren up and opened her blinds so she could she the sight. I found a snowsuit that was handed down to Lauren... I never thought she'd get to wear it. Then we let Lauren wake Caleb and tell him about the snow. So, here are some pictures we took at about 7:20 this morning. Now, all you bloggers north of Texas, don't laugh. I know this is just everyday business where you're from, but this is a BIG deal to us down here. Even our hometown of Fort Worth got 6-9 inches and I haven't seen that much snow since I was a little girl.
I'm not sure why you can't see any of the snowflakes in this picture but don't the kids look cute?
Lauren needs an Aggie coat too, don't ya think?

There's Stephen with his video camera of course!

I promise, there are snowflakes, scroll down.

Keep scrolling.

You can see them better in this picture.

There they are landing on the table. Our poor flowers didn't get covered because it was not supposed to be this cold. What a way to start a morning, it was very exciting. I even got to use the snow in my lessons because I teach English as a Second Language and I have been teaching my students weather vocabulary this week.

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