
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dreaming about Thomas

the Tank Engine that is. It is Thomas Mania around here. Stephen and I are planning Caleb's 2nd birthday party that will take place in Fort Worth in a few weeks and I just can't stop searching for ideas on the internet. I've gone mad I tell you. I will be surprised if I don't dream about being carried to Sodor Island on Thomas himself. Ya know the sad thing? I found out that "Thomas" is on tour in Grapevine this weekend and next weekend. Grapevine is about 20 minutes from the part of Fort Worth that we'll be in. Why didn't I find that out sooner? I could have had the COOLEST party ever.

So back to Thomas mania, I have already printed about 20 coloring and activity pages that I am going to xerox and bind into coloring books for all the kids. I am making a Memory game for each child too. There will be puzzles for each child to put together at the party and then they will get to take one home. I have found a full sized face mask that they can color, assemble, and wear, Thomas fruit bites, Thomas whistles, Thomas doorknob hangers, THOMAS, THOMAS, THOMAS!! Of course, since I love to make cakes and own about 50 cake pans, I will make the 3-D cake. We are looking into making a train sounds and songs CD plus I am making Thomas bingo with a cool teacher program I have at work. I bought a few Golden Book Thomas stories as prizes and the kids will get a bandana when they arrive. That doesn't cover it all and if we didn't have to cart all this stuff 180 miles in a mini van with 3 carseats, I'd make more.

So all this mania has got me to thinkin' ....I should be a party planner. No really! I love to do this sort of thing. I love picking a theme and going all the way with it, that's what I've always done as a teacher anyway. I'm already thinking about Lauren's party in August.


  1. OKay, seriously, I think that your Caleb and my Kyle really do have a lot in common. He is OBSESSED with Thomas and it has gotten more intense between 2 and 3. What does he want for his third birthday? He wants Percy, of course. HE has Thomas and Henry and other random engines, but no Percy. Happy birthday, Caleb! I am impressed at the party planning. I personally don't like planning parties.

  2. By the way, I am class of 2001... I had to laugh at your link down there.
