
Monday, January 28, 2008

Have you heard of lurking?

My friend Heather recently posted about lurkers and it got me to thinking that I too have lurkers and wonder who they are. Why do I care? The way I look at it, I have already met some neat new people in blog world and lurkers are friends in the making. A lurker is basically someone who reads a blog but never leaves a comment. So are YOU lurking on my blog?????

Thanks so much! I'm honored, but please, introduce yourself! Tell me where you are from. How did you find me? I promise I'll lurk on your blog if you'll lurk on mine ;) And visit Heather's blog too, please! She is the one who introduced me to blog world!


  1. Hello! I guess technically I'm not a lurker anymore because I have left a comment or two:) I am Deirdre, and I live in Nebraska. I'm a teacher too - fifth grade.

  2. My name is Heather. And I'm a lurker.

    Kidding! I technically think of a lurker as someone that I don't know personally, or a person that I do know but didn't know they ever read my blog because they've never left a comment. Is that what you think a lurker is? I'm kind of flattered by lurkers, but still I hate mysteries! I WANT TO KNOW DERN IT!!!

    Sorry I haven't had a chance to call you back yet. You said the a.m. hours are the best and I hav yet to be home in the a.m. hours since that day! We'll chat eventually!

  3. Hi, here via Because I Said So (I think - otherwise I can't remember). I've stayed because I love some of the recipes you've put out there, as well as links to other recipes/sites. Plus, I love the background song(s). I guess I'm just not much of a commenter. I'm still trying to figure all this blogging stuff out, so I can start one.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I found your blog while doing some of the weekly recipe memes.

    Renee' from Texas

  5. do i lurk? maybe...
    i read heather's blog and you were a link, and also my sister in law saw your blog and recommended it (we're an aggie family too)
    come visits us!

  6. Hi Steph! I'm a lurker that you does that make me one? I like to find out what's new with you on your blog. I know we're both busy with our newborns, so email me when you have time. :) Keli
