
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Little Pig, Little Pig, Let me come in!

A friend of ours bought this cute house for her little boy and we thought it would keep Lauren busy for hours. She loves to color and she is very good at staying in the lines. So we printed our 40% off coupon and headed to Hobby Lobby to buy the house. We told Lauren we'd put it together right after dinner. Poor Stephen wasn't allowed to finish eating because she begged him to put it together. Caleb-who is ALL BOY, let me tell ya- started knocking it down before it was even put up. He was like the Big Bad Wolf except he decided he wanted to go through the windows- and he's never even seen the Dukes of Hazzard. After Caleb had had enough of Mommy and Daddy telling him no, he started knocking the house down! We could not believe this sweet, precious little boy. He even picked it up by the roof and just plopped it over on it's side. As you can see in the pictures, he finally gave in and went through the door. What a stinker he is!

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