
Monday, November 19, 2007

Caleb keeps us very busy!

Look at our little stinker. Saturday we took him for his first haircut so we could have our Christmas pictures done minus the 'Shaggy' look. See that picture? That's about as long as he would sit in that chair. Well... he sat a little longer as long as I made a fool out of myself and did Aggie yells. He likes that. When we got home, I trimmed and I trimmed until I was satisfied with his hair. In my next life I am going to open a kids' haircut salon where each station has a children's theme and is playing a movie that will capture the kid's attention! Anyone out there on board?

The other pictures were taken a few minutes ago, Stephen sent them to me. Caleb was waiting for his breakfast and decided to go exploring. He hasn't done this before because it is rare that the table is cleared off. Again, he is a stinker but at the beginning and end of the day, he is the most loving, snuggly boy around.

1 comment:

  1. My girls love cool cuts for kids. Do they have those there? I know they did in FW. They sit in a little car or train and watch a movie and eat a lollipop. The lollipop is the trick! Who cares if the hair sticks to it. It works!
